Thursday, November 25, 2010

It's Thanksgiving!

It’s Thanksgiving! Just the two of us this year. No pressure, no time schedule, just a relaxing day. When we were discussing what we wanted for Thanksgiving, it was a no-brainer that Tony would fry the turkey. Always so good! What to go with it? It’s just the two of us. We would get sick of all the leftovers if we did our big traditional Thanksgiving dinner. Tony suggested fried cabbage. I said we have to have some form of sweet potato, so how about the sweet potato fries we have in the freezer? We looked at each other and I said, “I guess we are celebrating our Southernness this year, everything fried!” Why not!?

I’m up in my sewing room and Tony’s in the kitchen getting the turkey ready. He calls me on the phone intercom and says, “Where is the injector for the marinade?” You see, during one of my cleaning frenzies, I had sort of reorganized the kitchen. Nothing majorly different, but he couldn’t find the injector. I told him it should be in the drawer. “Well, it’s not,” he says in an accusatory tone.  Me: “Did you look in the other drawers?” Tony: “Yes, I did and it’s not here.” Me: “Do you really want me to come down and look for it?” Now in our family, this is the way it nearly always happens. Tony or Brandon tell me they can’t find something in that tone that implies it’s gotta be my fault! I search for whatever they are missing and find it. Tony knows this is probably going to happen again, but he’s so frustrated that his tone is almost daring me to find it! After all, he has looked everywhere. I start going through the drawers and cabinets. I can’t find it either. Sometimes in my cleaning frenzy state, I put things away in a perfectly organized manner which makes absolute sense and then can’t find it easily later. And I have been known to throw things away, but I knew I wouldn’t have thrown this away. So I keep searching. Everywhere I look, he says he has already looked there. I look all through the kitchen, the laundry room, even the garage. I go back to the kitchen and start taking the drawers out of the cabinet. I had to look behind two of them to find that it had fallen to the cabinet below, behind some pots and pans. I pull it out, a ha! And start doing my celebratory dance! I hear what I’ve heard before, “But I looked there!”  You have to search, oh mighty hunter! I laugh and give him a hug. When we talk to Brandon later and tell him that story, he says he hates that celebratory dance.

I return to my sewing room and the next thing from Tony is that he's out of propane. I can’t believe it! We’ve been talking about frying a turkey for how long and just now he realizes he doesn’t have enough propane?! Thankfully, we live in a big city and after a couple of stops he was able to find some. Back to the kitchen. I go down to the kitchen to watch him cook, which is my usual job since he is the main cook in our family, when he discovers he’s out of his homemade seasoning mix. But no worries, we aren’t on a time schedule so he pulls the spices out of the cabinet and makes it up. He uses it on the outside of the turkey as well as in the marinade.


While the turkey is frying, he prepares the fried cabbage.  Here he is browning the bacon. 
I'm not the only one who loves bacon.  The dogs are always hopeful!  You never know if a piece might drop on the floor!
Slice the cabbage, put it in the skillet with the bacon, and add some salt and pepper.
Put the lid on and let it do its thing! 
Time to check the temp.  And then it's done!

Even though we are away from our family, there is so much for which to be thankful!  We are so blessed!

As is always the case, clean up can't be avoided!  The dogs finally get to help! 

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  God bless you and yours!


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