To make the bibs, I could have used Velcro, and I did on one, but snaps are so much prettier and neater. I bought a snap kit from Amazon and it made putting the snaps on so easy!
Bibs, bibs and more bibs links are here. Templates are included in their tutorials. I especially like the binky bib! Now you may be wondering about the "Keep Calm and Eat Bacon" bibs for a baby! The pork industry and our family have a long time connection. We all love bacon around here! When we saw the fabric, we had to get it!
These bibs all have a layer of terry cloth and PUL fabric inside. PUL fabric is a thin waterproof fabric. I bought mine at our local fabric store. The order of fabric in my bibs is front fabric, terry cloth, PUL, back fabric. The terry cloth to soak up the wet and the PUL fabric to prevent it from going all the way through.
I'm very pleased with how these turned out!
So cute.