Thursday, January 20, 2011

Online Quilt Show

Jenifer Dick, author of The Circuit Rider's Quilt is having a online quilt show every Wednesday on her blog,  My quilt, Italian Marbles, is on this weeks show! 

This quilt was a commissioned quilt for my husband's niece.  She loves all things Italian!  The circles are made of red and green batiks and white on white, the colors of the Italian flag.  I used a red, white, and green varigated thread to quilt it.  As I was working on it, my niece said the circles looked liked marbles, so that's where I got the name, Italian Marbles!  My husband and I had a lot of fun with the blocks.  Some look like planets, one looks like the Death Star, one even looks like a ninja turtle! What do you see? 

I made the hanging sleeve match the backing.

Closeup of the quilting.  I quilted flowers over the circles and a wavy grid line echoing the wavy border throughout the quilt.

Check out Jenifer's blog, and enter your quilt for a chance to be in her quilt show!



  1. Cool quilt! With the holiday just past - I see Christmas ornaments!

  2. Thanks, Maureen! Great minds think alike! I've thought it would make a fun Christmas quilt too! Change the circles into ornament shapes, add ribbon or those shiny little ornament caps, and there you go!



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